Maintaining accurate stock levels is essential for all channel integrations. When inventory is received, Goflow automatically updates stock levels across all stores where the product is listed. Similarly, when a sale is made on one store, reducing the available inventory, Goflow promptly updates the inventory availability on all other stores.
To enable inventory updates for a store, follow these steps:
Goflow will send an update to the store within a few minutes.
The inventory source determines where the inventory originates. You can select one or more sources, or if you intend to send a fixed amount, leave all sources empty. Available inventory sources include:
To use inventory from your own warehouses, enter the relevant warehouses in the From Warehouses field. You can select multiple warehouses as sources, and their combined available inventory is sent to the store.
If a warehouse has negative inventory, it will reduce the inventory total. For example, if you select the East and West warehouses as sources, where East has 1 and West has -1, the total sent to the store will be 0. To prevent negative inventory from affecting the total, enable the Ignore Negative Inventory option. This setting treats negative values as zero, ensuring that negatives in one warehouse do not offset available stock in another.
To use inventory stored at Amazon FBA or at another 3PL warehouse, enter the relevant warehouses in the From Warehouses field, just as you would for your own warehouses.
For FBA warehouse sources, Goflow relies on the Amazon reported inventory rather than its internal inventory calculations. If multiple FBA listings are mapped to the same product, the available inventory from all relevant listings is combined into a single total.
Open FBA orders are not deducted, as they are already reflected in Amazon’s reported availability. However, Goflow does deduct inventory reservations that Amazon has not yet accounted for, such as open FBA return transfers or MCF orders that have not yet been sent to Amazon.
For 3PL warehouse sources, you can choose to rely on either the 3PL-reported inventory or Goflow’s internal inventory calculations as the source for inventory sent to the store.
You can update channels with inventory that you neither own nor stock, but which can source from a vendor on demand. Review Vendor Products for guidance on managing vendor-reported available inventory.
To use vendor inventory as a source, select an option under From Vendors:
If multiple vendors carry the same product, the available inventory from all relevant vendors is combined into a single total. Expired vendor inventory is considered unavailable.
To account for sales made against vendor inventory, add the order fulfillment warehouse as a warehouse inventory source. Even if the warehouse does not stock inventory, including it as a source ensures that open orders correctly reduce the total available vendor inventory.
After an order is shipped and the reserve lifted, available vendor inventory will increase and revert to its original levels.
Vendor reported inventory is a manual process. To keep vendor inventory accurate and up to date, regularly upload updated vendor inventory sheets.
The store target defines the channel warehouse location to which inventory is sent. To add a target, select an option under Warehouse Code:
Some channels support separate inventory tracking for multiple warehouse locations. For these channels, assign distinct inventory sources to each target. For example, set NJ and PA warehouses as sources for the East target, and CA as the source for the West target.
For channels that do not support multiple targets, all relevant warehouses should be combined into a single inventory source. The total inventory from all selected warehouses will be sent to the store without specifying targets.
Inventory allocation targets do not determine which warehouse is assigned to orders. Pairing an inventory source with a target in allocation does not guarantee that orders for that target will be fulfilled by the same source. Order fulfillment warehouses are managed separately.
When you update allocation settings and remove a target, Goflow automatically sends a one-time feed to reset the inventory to zero for the deleted channel target.
Quantity thresholds determine the final inventory sent to the store. Adjust the following settings:
The safety level takes priority over the minimum threshold. The minimum is honored only for as long as inventory remains above the safety level. For example, if the minimum is set to 5 and the safety level to 3, the listing will continue to show 5 while inventory is at 4. Once inventory reaches 3, however, the minimum is no longer applied, and the quantity listed will become 0.
To set different quantity percentages for different inventory sources or targets, refer to Advanced Allocation Settings.
Lead time refers to the number of business days from when an order is placed to when it is handed over to the carrier. It is expressed as a single number. For example, if the lead time is a range of 2–3 days, set it to 3 days.
The lead-time setting is applicable to Amazon Marketplace channels only.
Lead-time updates provided through inventory feeds will only take effect if they align with the shipping templates applied to the listing on Seller Central.
To set different lead times for different inventory sources or targets, refer to Advanced Allocation Settings.
The Advanced Allocation page offers greater flexibility and granular control over each store target or inventory source. To enable it, follow these steps:
Lead time is the number of business days from when an order is placed to when it is handed over to the carrier. Products sourced from vendor inventory generally have a longer lead time than those sourced from your own warehouse to account for the time required for vendor delivery.
Choose from the following lead time options for vendor-sourced products using the PTO fulfillment method:
Products using the Dropship fulfillment method, where the vendor ships orders directly to the customer, always follow the dropship lead time set at the vendor or vendor product and are not affected by this setting.
When multiple inventory sources have different lead times, choose how to present the lead time to Amazon, since it only accepts a single number. The challenge is balancing the shortest lead time with maximum inventory availability, as both factors can influence sales potential. Select between these two options:
To illustrate, consider the inventory sources in the table below.
Source | Lead Time | Quantity |
Warehouse | 1 | 4 |
Vendor A | 2 | 5 |
Vendor B | 3 | 6 |
To stop sending inventory updates to a store, follow these steps:
Setting the percentage to zero does not disable inventory updates. Goflow will continue sending updates of zero inventory to the store.
For inventory updates to be sent to a channel, products, listings, and sources must meet all criteria indicating that inventory is available for sale and ready for fulfillment. Refer to the linked topics for details on the following constraints:
Depending on the channel type, inventory updates are sent as either partial updates or full feeds. The two approaches aim to balance timely updates with efficient frequency.
Partial Inventory Updates – Most marketplaces prefer frequent updates but only for listings where inventory has changed. If no update is received, the inventory is assumed to remain the same as in the last update. For these channels, inventory updates are sent every 15 minutes and include only listings that have had activity in either the listing, product, inventory, or transactions involving that product. Small update batches keep feeds efficient and lightweight.
However, when changes are made to the store allocation settings, a full update is triggered to refresh inventory for all listings in that store according to the updated settings.
Full Inventory Updates – Most dropship channels prefer receiving full inventory updates at scheduled intervals rather than continuous partial updates. For these channels, the entire listing catalog is refreshed at fixed times throughout the day. If inventory changes between updates, the channel will only reflect those changes at the next scheduled update. Depending on the channel, inventory updates may be sent once, twice, or three times per day.
To check the current inventory listed with the store, follow these steps:
The Quantity Listed column displays the current inventory on the store. This figure combines inventory from all store targets.
To review details of inventory updates that Goflow has sent to the store, follow these steps:
This section displays all inventory updates sent to the store in the past 30 days. A green checkmark indicates a successful update.
If no records appear, it does not mean inventory updates were never sent; only that no updates have been sent in the last 30 days.
If the quantity listed does not match expectations, follow these steps to systematically identify the discrepancy:
Some channels support receiving updates for expected inventory when current inventory is out of stock. For these channels, Goflow includes inventory from open purchase orders, with the available-on date matching the expected date on the purchase order.
Some channels support deactivating listings using an inventory feed. For these channels, Goflow will include a discontinued marker in the inventory feed when a product is marked as not sellable.