Synced listings automatically track updates made to the mapped product and sync those updates back to the store listing. Any changes to product fields are propagated across mapped listings for all supported channels, ensuring that the store always reflects the most current information.
The opposite of synced listings is manual listings. Manual listings also use attribute mapping to prefill listing attributes, but only when first creating the listings. After publishing, changes made to mapped product fields are not automatically reflected in the listings. Synced listings offer an advantage over manual listings. With synced listings, updates made to a Goflow product are automatically propagated to all its mapped listings across every channel.
Before creating synced listings, you need to set up attribute mappings. You don't have to map all possible attributes; you can create a synced listing with as few as one mapped attribute. The mapped attribute will sync data from the product, while unmapped attributes will require manual input. For example, you might choose to map only the price attribute to sync with price updates on the product. In this case, you will leave all other attributes unmapped.
When filling attributes for synced listings, you cannot manually enter values for mapped attributes, as these are drawn from the product fields. You can only enter values for non-mapped attributes.
To create a single new synced listing, follow the steps for creating a new standalone or variation listing. On the New Listing page, select Listing Type: Synced.
To create multiple synced listings in bulk, follow the steps for creating listings in bulk, and select synced as the listing type.
Updating attributes on a synced listing depends on whether the attribute is mapped or not:
All updates undergo a dual approval process. If the updates introduce missing or invalid data, the listings will be moved to Review for correction.
Deleting a custom field that is mapped to a listing attribute will leave the mapped attribute blank. This can result in missing required attributes on the synced listings, potentially causing them to fail validation.
You can change the listing type between manual or synced. When a synced listing is changed to manual, the current synced attribute values become fixed. When a manual listing is changed to synced, the current attribute values are replaced with values from the mapped product fields.
To change the listing type for a single listing, follow these steps:
Proceed with caution! You may not realize that some attributes are unintentionally mapped in the store. If those product fields are empty, you will lose all the information entered in listing attributes.
Always be careful when converting published listings to synced, and check shortly thereafter for listings that were placed in Review for invalid or missing information.
To create synced variation listings, follow the same steps outlined in creating manual variation listings. On the New Listing page, set the Listing Type to Synced. Each child variation will sync with its mapped product.
The variation parent is not a separate listing in Goflow, and is not mapped to a particular Goflow product. Parent attributes, such as category and main image, can be made to sync with the product mapped to one of the children listings. To sync the parent with one of the child products, follow these steps:
All listings within a variation family must share the same listing type, either synced or manual. When you change one variation from manual to synced, or vice versa, the entire variation family will be converted accordingly.