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Inventory Adjustments

In order to create and adjustment in Goflow, users must have the Adjustments role assigned to their profile. This ensures that only authorized users can update inventory.

The typical inventory flow involves acquiring new inventory through purchasing and receiving, and depleting inventory by fulfilling orders. However, inventory management reserves a role for adjustments as well in some instances:

  1. Initial Onboarding: When you begin using Goflow for the first time, use adjustments to update inventory levels of all products to reflect their current quantities and average cost.
  2. Inventory reset: If you encounter discrepancies in your inventory, adjustments come into play. By conducting a physical count of your products, you can update the inventory levels to align them with the actual quantities on hand.
  3. Transaction reversal: If you over-received, you can reverse the extra quantity through an adjustment. If entered one adjustment in error, enter a new adjustment to correct for the erroneous one.
  4. External Inventory: For warehouses where inventory stock records are maintained outside of Goflow, regular adjustments are required to synchronize the inventory between Goflow and your Warehouse Management System (WMS).

You may want to create adjustment automatically through the API, or use vendor products instead.

Creating a New Adjustment

To create a new adjustment, follow these steps:

  1. In the side menu, click on InventoryAdjustments.
  2. In the upper-right corner, click on New Adjustment.
  3. Select the warehouse where you want to make the inventory adjustment, and click Next.
  4. Fill in the product lines with the necessary information.
  5. Finally, Save the adjustment.

Understanding Adjustment Line Fields


Enter the product you want to adjust. You may enter the product's Item Number. Alternatively, you can enter one of the identifiers associated with the product.

These restrictions apply for product:


There are two fields available for specifying the quantity, and these fields work in tandem. When you enter a value in one field, the other field automatically populates accordingly.


The cost field allows you to enter the cost of goods when inventory is being added. The cost amount you enter has an impact on the average cost for inventory on hand, as well as on the cost of goods sold for orders shipped using the quantity acquired through an adjustment. The cost field is prefilled with the product's default cost.

When inventory is being deducted, the cost field becomes disabled. The disposal of inventory is handled based on the principle of First-In First-Out (FIFO). The cost associated with the deducted inventory reflects the cost of the oldest inventory batches.

You can edit the cost of an existing adjustment. Goflow automatically updates both, the average cost of the inventory on hand, and the cost of goods sold for transactions that utilized the quantity that were acquired through that adjustment.


The reason field allows you to provide a brief explanation for the adjustment you are making. This explanation is primarily intended for your own tracking and reference purposes.

The list of adjustment reasons is managed through Memorized Lists. The list contains pre-defined or frequently used reasons that you can select from. This ensures the consistency when providing reasons for adjustments.

Uploading Products in Bulk

To upload products from a file to a new adjustment, follow these steps:

  1. In the side menu, click on InventoryAdjustments.
  2. In the upper-right corner, click on New Adjustment.
  3. Select the warehouse where you want to make the inventory adjustment, and click Next.
  4. In the upper-right corner of the page, click on Import, and Load From File.
  5. Take a moment to review the Columns tab, which provides information about the required and optional fields for the file upload.
  6. Download a Sample CSV template.
  7. Open the CSV template and fill in the product lines with the necessary information. Make sure to save the file once you've completed the entries.
  8. To proceed, click on Choose File and select the saved CSV file.
  9. Finally, Save the adjustment.

File Upload Validations

Goflow makes the following validations when uploading products with a file:

Entering Adjustments for Warehouses that Use Locations

For warehouses that track inventory by location, it is required to specify the location you want to adjust.

A product can be entered multiple times to a single adjustment, as long as the locations on each line are unique.

Exporting Adjustments

To export adjustment details to a CSV file, reivew Custom Exports