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Custom Exports

You can export all lists and all transactions in Goflow to a CSV file.

In order to access exports, users must have the Exports role assigned to their profile. This ensures that only authorized users can download and save transactions.

Since there are many available fields to export, downloading all of them might not be practical when you only need a few specific ones. Including too many headers in the export makes for a larger file size and limits the number of records you can export at once. To address this, Goflow offers custom exports, allowing you to download only the necessary headers for your specific needs.

With custom exports you can also customize the header names in the export file. This flexibility allows you to make the downloaded file compatible for re-uploading to your integrated systems.

The list exports you can customize include Listings, Products, and Vendor Products.

The types of transaction exports you can customize include Orders, Returns, Purchase Orders, Receipts, Bills, Adjustments, and Productions. Although you can export Transfers, its export is not yet customizable.

Throughout this article, we use order exports as an example when discussing transaction exports. However, the same principles apply to all lists and transaction types. If you intend to export returns, simply replace Export Orders with Export Returns in the instructions and explanations provided.

Understanding Transaction Top-Level and Line-Level Exports

There are two export levels available for each transaction type:

Exporting Lists or Transactions

You can either export all orders or only a specific subset. To export all orders, follow these steps:

  1. From the left sidebar, go to OrdersOrders.
  2. In the upper-right corner of the page, click on Export.
  3. To export the default fields, click on the Export Orders button, or Export Lines button, depending on the desired level.
  4. Alternatively, click on the vertical ellipses to select a custom export option.

If you want to export only a specific subset of orders, use the order page filters to narrow down the displayed records on the page, and then follow the steps outlined above. Only the records shown in the filtered view will be exported.

Additionally, you can manually select specific orders to export by placing a check in the checkbox located to the left of each record.

Creating a Custom Export

You can create a custom export that includes the specific fields you want, and you can to customize the header names the way you want. Custom export that you create are available to your Goflow user only. Each user can create their own custom exports tailored to their job needs.

There are two ways to create a custom export. You can start from scratch by adding the desired fields one by one. Alternatively, you can clone the standard export or another existing custom export. By copying from an existing export, you can begin with a set of fields that can be easily modified according to your needs.

To create a new custom export, follow these steps:

  1. From the left sidebar, go to OrdersOrders.
  2. In the upper-right corner of the page, click on Export.
  3. From the export menu, click on the vertical ellipses next to either Export Orders or Export Order Lines, depending on the desired level.
  4. To create from scratch, click on New Export.
  5. To clone, select an existing export. At the bottom of the modal, click on the vertical ellipsis and select Clone Export.
  6. In the Field column, add one or more fields that you wish to include in your export.
  7. In the CSV Header column, you can either accept the default header names suggested by Goflow, or enter your own desired header names to appear on the export.
  8. Finally, enter a name for the export, and Save.

Editing and Deleting Custom Exports

You can edit or delete custom exports that were created by you. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. From the left sidebar, go to OrdersOrders.
  2. In the upper-right corner of the page, click on Export.
  3. From the export menu, click on the vertical ellipses next to either Export Orders or Export Order Lines.
  4. Select the export you want to modify from the list of existing exports.

To Edit the export, follow these steps:

  1. At the bottom of the modal, click on the Edit button.
  2. In the Field column, you can modify the fields you wish to include in the new export.
  3. In the CSV Header column, you can modify the header names that will appear on the export.
  4. Finally, Save your changes.

To Delete the export, follow these steps:

  1. At the bottom of the modal, click on the vertical ellipsis and click Delete Export.
  2. Confirm that you want to delete the export.

You cannot modify or delete the preconfigured standard export.

Setting an Export as the Default

Setting an export as the default makes it easily accessible for use. To use the default export, simply click on the Export Orders or Export Order Lines button. For other saved exports that are not the default, you will need to access the list of saved exports and select the desired export.

Goflow offers a preconfigured standard export for both top-level and line-level exports. The standard export includes the basic and commonly used fields that users typically wish to export. By default, the standard export is set as the default.

You can change which export is the default for your user account. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. From the left sidebar, go to OrdersOrders.
  2. In the upper-right corner of the page, click on Export.
  3. From the export menu, click on the vertical ellipses next to either Export Orders or Export Order Lines.
  4. Select the export you want to use as the default from the list of existing exports.
  5. At the bottom of the modal, click on the vertical ellipsis and select Set as Default.