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Connecting an Amazon Shipping Account

Amazon Shipping is Amazon's own carrier service, and is available for both Amazon and non-Amazon orders. Amazon Shipping is available in the US and in the UK.

It’s important to distinguish Amazon Shipping from two other Amazon carrier services:

Unlike these, Amazon Shipping functions as a fully independent carrier, separate from the Amazon selling platform.

Creating an Amazon Shipping Account

Goflow uses your existing Amazon Seller store credentials to connect to Amazon Shipping, so there's no need to provide new credentials. If you have multiple Amazon Seller accounts connected to Goflow, be sure to create a separate Amazon Shipping account for each store.

To create a new Amazon Shipping account, follow these steps:

  1. From the side menu, go to SettingsShipping.
  2. In the upper right-hand corner, click on New Carrier.
  3. On the Carrier card, select Amazon Shipping.
  4. Select the Amazon Seller store associated with this account.
  5. Enter a unique Account Name.
  6. Click Save to create the new account.

Choose a descriptive Account Name for easy identification within Goflow. This name is for your reference only and does not need to match your company's name with Amazon.