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Tags are custom markers that you define yourself, and which can be put to use for a variety of purposes. Using tags, you can identify, filter, and manage transactions in a way that aligns with your unique business processes.

The use of tags follows this general outline:

  1. Create Tags - Define specific tags that represent different characteristics relevant to your transactions or list items. For example, you might create tags like Priority, Paid, or Confirmation Required.
  2. Apply Tags - Assign relevant tags to transactions or list items based on their characteristics. For example, add the tag Paid to wholesale orders that were paid and approved for shipping.
  3. Interact with Tags - Filter transactions that include, or does not include, specific tags. For example, filter for orders with the tag Paid but without the tag Confirmation Required.

You may create tags for the following transaction types:

You may also create tags for the following list items:

Managing Tags

Manage all your tags centrally in the settings menu. Alternatively, you may shortcut this process by accessing manage tags while applying a tag within a transaction.

Administrator permissions are required to create, edit, or delete tags.

To create a new tag, follow these steps:

  1. From the left sidebar, go to SettingsTags.
  2. Click into the desired transaction type.
  3. Click + Add Tag.
  4. Provide a Name for the tag and choose a distinctive Color for easy identification.
  5. Finally, click to Save the tag.

To edit an existing tag, follow these steps:

  1. From the left sidebar, go to SettingsTags.
  2. Click into the desired transaction type.
  3. Click the pencil icon next to the tag you want to edit.
  4. Change the tag Name or select a different Color.
  5. Finally, click to Save the updates.

Changes to the tag name and color will be reflected in existing transactions bearing this tag.

To delete a tag, follow these steps:

  1. From the left sidebar, go to SettingsTags.
  2. Click into the desired transaction type.
  3. Click the X icon next to the tag you wish to delete, and then click Delete.
  4. Finally, confirm your decision to delete the selected tag.

Deleting a tag will remove it from existing transactions. This action is irreversible.

Managing Transaction Tags

For every transaction type, you can assign the tags that were defined for that particular transaction type. For instance, on an order you may apply order tags, and on a return you may apply return tags.

To manage tags on a transaction, follow these steps:

  1. Find the Tags card within the transaction.
  2. Click on the pencil icon to edit.
  3. Add one or multiple tags to a transaction, or remove a tag.
  4. Click to Save the changes.

To filter for transactions with a specific tag, select Tagged in the filter options, and enter one or more tags. To filter for transactions without a specific tag, select Tagged in the filter options, and adjust the slider to Is Not.

To include tags in transaction exports, add the Tags field in the custom export. For transactions with multiple tags, all tags are exported to one field and separated by the pipe (|) character.

Managing Transaction Tags in Bulk

Add or remove tags for multiple transactions in bulk. Use one of two approaches:

Throughout this article, we use order tags as an example when discussing transaction tags. However, the same principles apply to all transaction and list types. If you intend to tag returns, simply replace Orders with Returns in the instructions and explanations provided.

Using a File to Manage Tags in Bulk

Upload a CSV file with transaction identifiers, such as order ID or order number. You may include in the file the tags you wish to manage. Alternatively, you may choose to include in the file only the transaction identifiers, and leave out the tags. You will make the tag selections during the upload process.

To use a file upload, follow these steps:

  1. From the left sidebar, go to OrdersImportImport Tag Updates.
  2. Click on the Columns tab to review optional and required fields.
  3. Click on the Upload tab, and download a sample CSV template.
  4. Choose whether you want to add tags to the transactions in the file, or whether to remove tags from the transactions.
  5. Choose whether Goflow is to look for tags inside your file, or enter the tags on the page.
  6. Upload the file, and click Add Tags.

There are two ways to update multiple tags on the same transaction:

Order IDOrder NumberStoreTags
16056Confirmation Required
16026Paid, Priority

To replace tags using a file upload, include in the file only the transaction identifiers, and leave out the tags. Upload the file twice. The first time select the tags to remove and the second time select the tags to add.

Selecting Transactions to Manage Tags in Bulk

To manage tags in bulk by selecting the transactions on the page, follow these steps:

  1. From the left sidebar, go to Orders.
  2. Use the order page filters or the order search box to find the orders you wish to tag.
  3. Select the orders to tag.
  4. Go to ActionsManage Tags.

Choose one of three actions: