

Designed for
how you catalog.

Make your catalog work for you with features that help you name, quantify, organize, configure and monitor products any way you like.

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    Master. Catalog.

    Master your entire catalog in one central place: our advanced PIM system. Enjoy full granular control over your entire product lineup, with fully customizable mapping power per store in the Listings stage.

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    Unlimited custom fields

    Create your own predefined custom fields, each with their own type (number, dollar amount, yes/no, or select from a predefined list), and easily set these custom fields in every product.

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    Unlimited custom identifiers

    From UPC to MPN to ISBNs and beyond, store unlimited identifiers and identifier types to identify items at every scanning point. Separate identifiers can be set to distinguish units of measure, enabling swift scanning of a product multiple.

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    Custom Units of Measure

    Create your own Units of Measure (e.g. “box”, “pallet”, “container”), for easy selection when you map a listing or manually create an order/PO/transfer/etc. Select a default UoM, and Goflow calculates auto-packing and shipping configurations based on specified size/weight.

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    Smart kitting and bundling

    For accurate systemwide processing and tracking, classify each product as Standard (any form of quantified item), Group (a bundled collection of Standard products), or Kit (an assembled collection of products).

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    Default fulfillment method per item

    Streamline your shipping flow with default fulfillment methods: Direct Fulfillment (from your warehouse), 3PL (from a partner warehouse or FBA), PTO (Purchase to Order AKA “Cross Docking”) or Dropship (directly from vendor to customer).

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    Custom shipping configurations

    Save an item's weight/dimensions, as well as its box type. When packing the item, its details will be automatically prepopulated. Shipping configurations can also be set when first shipping the item.

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    Unlimited product images

    Easily upload images to products, including bulk upload via URL. You can select default images, map them to listings, and see them appear on pick lists to help your pickers identify what to pick and pack.

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    2-way vendor directory

    Import vendor details like contact info directly from accounting software like QuickBooks. Adding a vendor into Goflow manually? It’s uploaded to your accounting software too.

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    Multi-vendor inventory tracking

    Set your usual vendors per product and even select a default vendor. You can also update vendor stock quantity, so Goflow automatically sends vendor inventory directly to stores for PTO.

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    Unlimited listings per product

    Create, upload and maintain an unlimited number of independent listings across any of your stores on any product in your catalog. See the Listings section for more listing-specific features.

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    One-touch listing generation

    With all your product and listing information managed in your master catalog, generating listings (individually or in bulk) by mapped field is as easy as one click. See Listings for more.