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Jan 25, 2024

Introducing Smart Order Followups

Order Followups help you stay on top of potential issues post-shipment, including failed shipment notifications, failed invoicing etc.

Welcome to stress-free, in-control post-shipment management with Smart Order Followups!

Now, you can easily detect, track, and manage any post-shipment issues. Intuitive workflows and guided on-screen steps ensure every order is recognized as 'shipped' and invoiced, minimizing customer complaints and safeguarding your account health KPIs.

Learn more about Order Followups.

Here’s what Smart Order Followups brings to your post-shipment process:

Get ready to transform how you track and manage shipments – because every successful delivery starts with seamless behind-the-scenes control.

Are you exploring Goflow for the first time? Schedule a call with our sales team to discover how Goflow can streamline your order management effortlessly. To learn more about Order Followups contact support@goflow.com.